21 Ways to Cope with Anxiety

There is no one way to deal with anxiety.  According to the Oxford English Dictionary, anxiety is “a mental condition characterized by excessive apprehensiveness about real or perceived threats, typically leading to avoidance behaviors and often to physical symptoms such as increased heart rate and muscle tension.”  With professional and some personal experience, I have learned that there is no one particular way to deal with anxiety.  Tried and true coping skills do not always work, which is why it’s important to have a toolbox of different ways to manage when anxiety is high.

These are some techniques I often suggest:

  1. Take  5-10 slow and deep breaths

  2. Journal

  3. Meditate

  4. Take a shower

  5. Go for a walk

  6. Exercise or stretch

  7. Listen to music

  8. Talk to a supportive and trustworthy friend

  9. Listen to calming nature sounds (rain, waves, forest, etc)

  10. Take a nap, if possible

  11. Remind yourself that you are safe 

  12. Try to identify if something is causing the anxiety

  13. Question & reframe negative and/or illogical thoughts

  14. Use aromatherapy

  15. Paint, draw, or use a coloring book

  16. Watch a funny movie or funny clips on YouTube

  17. Explore a hobby (photography, dance, bird watching, video games, collecting crystals, etc)

  18. Ensure that your diet includes fresh fruit & vegetables

  19. Limit alcohol, caffeine, and smoking

  20. Take a break from social media & news sources

  21. Allow yourself to sit with and feel the feelings & emotions that come up

What are some of the things you do to manage anxiety?


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